South NJ Pet Services

South NJ Pet Services



What we offer

For Dogs

Daily walks: Consistent exercise and socialization.

Personalized play: Tailored to the dog's preferences and energy level.

Potty training support: Guidance and reinforcement.

Medication administration: Ensuring timely and accurate dosage.

Behavior modification: Positive reinforcement techniques for unwanted behaviors.

Doggy daycare alternative: Flexible scheduling for busy pet owners.

For Cats

Feeding: Providing meals and fresh water according to the cat's routine.

Litter box maintenance: Cleaning and refilling the litter box to ensure a hygienic environment.

Playtime: Engaging the cat in interactive play to keep them stimulated and entertained.

Medication administration: Giving any necessary medications as prescribed.

Pet companionship: Providing love, attention, and companionship to reduce stress and anxiety.

House checks: Inspecting the home for any issues, such as leaks or broken appliances.

Mail and package collection: Retrieving mail and packages to prevent accumulation.

Photo by @2024
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